Why your website is like a three-legged stool

Why your website is like a three-legged stool

We all know what happens if you take away a leg from a three-legged stool – it falls over!  But what has this got to do with your website? Successful websites have three main ‘legs’ on which they stand.  They are: The design and development –...
Writing so people understand – without effort

Writing so people understand – without effort

We all do it – and we end up confusing our friends, family, sometimes our customers, but how many potential clients have we lost because of it? What am I talking about?  Jargon, acronyms and other words that are specific to our business.  I think we all talk at...
Colours on your website

Colours on your website

I’ve just read a blog about using colour on your website and, whilst I understand that different colours convey different feelings and also have varying ethnic impacts, there was a lot missing! These are my thoughts on websites and colour – all focused on...
Colours on your website

Is your website a Derby or a Grand National?

In the horse racing world the Derby is a flat race – a smooth ride to the finish line.  The Grand National is one obstacle after another, some of them so huge that only a few of the riders manage to land safely on the other side.  So how many obstacles do visitors to...