Get your message on target

When you’re running a business you need to get your message out there so that people know about you and what you can do for them. There are plenty of ways to do this using methods such as a website, marketing flyers, social media, blogging, advertising, networking, events, getting articles in the press and much more. However, you can do all of this and still find it a struggle to bring in business.
What’s the problem?
People aren’t getting your message effectively. Even a 60 second presentation at a networking event needs to be honed to perfection so that people:
- Know who you are
- Know what you’re offering
- Know what it will do for them
- Know who to refer to you.
Unfortunately, the majority of people don’t give this enough thought.
Your message needs to be polished so that all of the places it appears deliver consistency – so people start to recognise your business. More important – it needs to be written for your audience and be created to press their hot buttons.
Everyone can write – can’t they? I expect you can use a pair of scissors, but I would probably be a little nervous of letting you cut my hair! Commercial copywriting is a special kind of writing – one which takes time and much practice to learn. If you want your business to shine you need to get an expert to shine your reputation to a glossy finish.
You can engage us for one off assignments like:
- Website copy
- Blogs and social media material
- Marketing material
- Newsletters and email campaigns
- Press releases and articles
- Speech writing
If you just want to discuss what you want please do give us a call on 01245 690852 or complete the enquiry form and let us know what you would like to achieve.